From the laptop of:
Jan-Michael Britten
England, United Kingdom.
Dear stranger on the internet,
This might seem like a strange question…
But do you know what this letter was before it ended up as something you could actually read?
Don’t worry, that’s not a trick question.
I’m not trying to catch you out or anything…
In fact, the answer is pretty obvious when you stop and think about it.
Any ideas?
Well, if you’re thinking “Um, a blank page?” then give yourself a pat on the back because you’re 100% right!
It started off as exactly that… an empty Google Doc just sitting there, waiting to be typed into life.
Now, why is this important for you to wrap your head around?
How does knowing this help you at all?
Well, it’s rather simple really…
Care to venture a guess as to what that one “stupid thing” was?
If nothing comes to mind right away, don’t worry…
To help you out, I want you to consider these three points…
Number 1: You yourself have very likely experienced this one “stupid thing” many times (It’s almost 100% guaranteed)…
Number 2: You’ve probably had this one “stupid thing” stop you from doing LOTS of things you wanted to do…
Number 3: Because it’s so easy to give in to this one “stupid thing” you’ve no doubt succumbed to it on numerous occasions WITHOUT even realising you have…
Now, chances are, this isn’t the first website you’ve been on looking for someone to help you get a result you wanted…
And chances are, this isn’t the first foray you’ve ever taken down the road to learning how to sell stuff to people online.
Maybe you’re a seasoned vet and you’re looking for ways to up your game…
Or maybe you're a little bit new and you want to finally get started…
Well, regardless of your situation, there’s one “stupid thing” that’s going to stand in your way…
One “stupid thing” that’s going to kill your progress faster than anything else…
One “stupid thing” that’s going to keep you stuck staring at a blank page…
Because expecting something to be perfect will hold you back for two critical reasons…
First, it causes “overwhelm” by making you feel like you need to do a million different things to get everything “just right”…
And second, it leads to “procrastination” by convincing you that you aren’t “good enough” to get started.
It’s nothing but F.E.A.R.
False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.
Don’t let it get inside your head and stop you from taking action.
If you want to commit to something, you’re going to have to get over the F.E.A.R of imperfection.
You’re going to have to step outside of your comfort zone and get over the worry that you’re not doing it 100% right.
You’ve got to be ok with putting yourself out there and just seeing what happens.
Take this letter for example…
I know it’s not perfect.
There are probably typos and parts of it that I could have written way better…
But you know what?…
It doesn’t matter.
What matters is that I wrote it in the first place.
You don’t care if it’s not the best thing you’ve ever read or if there’s a misspelt word or misplaced comma…
No, that stuff isn’t important.
All you care about is whether or not it helped you.
And guess what?
Your customers feel exactly the same way!…
They’re looking for you to guide them.
Let them know you care.
Take risks.
They’re worth the rewards.
I promise.
Until next time,
Jan-Michael “just get it done” Britten
P.S. To help you realise that you’re not alone in dealing with this problem…
An article published in Forbes (February 2024) reported that 92% of people are affected by perfectionism…
It’s everywhere!
Next time you have doubts over a piece of content you want to write for your customers just remember…
Done is better than perfect because perfect means it’s never done.
If I can do it, so can you…
So go and do it.
And remember, if you ever want any feedback or support…
I’m only an email away.
Reach out any time and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
We’re in this together.