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The One “Tempting Cheat Code” You Must Avoid

Why NOT creating content the “easy way” is your secret weapon to getting ahead of your competition and attracting customers to you like a magnet.

Jan-Michael Britten

From the laptop of:
Jan-Michael Britten
England, United Kingdom.

Dear stranger on the internet,

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is…

You’ve heard that saying before right?

Just kidding, of course you have.

It’s been drilled into us as a way to detect scammers and snake oil salesmen since we were kids.

But that doesn’t mean we always listen to it…

No way José.

Despite all the red flags…

People all over the world still fall victim to things like get-rich-quick schemes or lose-weight-without-dieting pills…

You know the ones.

They seem innocent enough at first…

Heck, they even have reviews and testimonials promising that if others can do it, you can too.

Before you know it you're being brainwashed into believing the lifestyle or body of your dreams is just a click away…

You know you shouldn’t be tempted.

You know it sounds too good to be true.

But something inside of you keeps saying “What if this time it’s different?”

It seems we all love the idea of getting something for nothing…

But can you really get what you want without putting in the work to do so?

Let’s break it down.

Using the two examples from before (and applying a sprinkle of common sense)…

We can agree that…

Number 1: If there really was a way to get rich quickly without any effort NO ONE would ever struggle to pay their bills.


Number 2: If there really was a magic pill that melted fat away while being able to eat anything you liked, NO ONE would ever struggle with their weight.

You see the truth is, if something has to dramatically overpromise on the result you will achieve, it 100% guarantees it will dramatically under-deliver when it comes to you achieving it.

In other words…

Shortcuts cut short your success.

Now, I understand that may sound confusing at first so to show you what I mean…

Let’s rewind back to 2022 when a new tech breakthrough promised to revolutionise online marketing forever…

Introducing the one and only ChatGPT!

Suddenly AI writing assistants were absolutely everywhere promising to solve all of your content creation problems overnight with the click of a button…

And internet gurus were climbing over themselves to shout…

“Use AI, it’s so easy! Just crank out as much content as possible and you’ll dominate your competition and make sales in your sleep!”

It all sounded too good to be true.

And guess what?

It’s all starting to fall apart at the seams…


People are getting sick to death of AI-generated content.

It’s everywhere you look.

You can’t escape it.

The internet is jam-packed with articles, blog posts, ebooks, images, videos and social media posts that all look and sound exactly the same.

It’s generic crap…

And it’s only getting worse.

In fact, analysts predict that up to 90% of ALL online content will be synthetically produced by 2026!

How scary is that?!

You see, the main problem with this kind of content is that people just DON’T like it.

They’re over it.

Remember fidget spinners?…

The MASSIVE craze that was all the rage in 2017 and 2018 but that everyone completely forgot about without so much as a second thought…

Well, AI-generated content is on the fast track to suffering the exact same “here today, gone tomorrow” fate.

Engagement rates are at an all-time low.

People aren’t clicking, they’re not staying and they definitely aren’t coming back for more.


Because when you create content that comes across like it could have been written by anyone or anything you’re missing the chance to show your reader what makes YOU special.

Your customers are craving authenticity.

They want REAL advice from a REAL person.

They want to hear about your unique points of view, opinions and experiences.

They’re not interested in something R2-D2 could have beeped out.

You know the old adage “content is king”?…

Well, content has become all too common…

Which means “quality” is the new king on the block now.

All hail the king!

AI-generated content is nothing more than cookie-cutter filler, it’s yesterday’s news…

Bland, boring and unoriginal.

You can get it anywhere which means your customers won’t be able to tell what makes you different if you use it.

You’ll blend into the background rather than stand out making it impossible to command their attention...

And without attention, nobody will see you, you’ll be invisible.

Being invisible means no sales, no sales means no money and no money means GAME OVER.

It really is that simple.

But it’s not all doom and gloom!

There is a solution…

And that solution should come as no surprise to you if you’ve been paying attention to this letter so far…

Know what it is?

That’s right!…

It’s personality-driven content.

Now, I’m not gonna lie to you, creating this type of content takes effort.

But if there’s one thing you’ve learned so far it’s that a little effort goes a long way.

When you do something that other people aren’t willing to do, you’ll get the results that other people aren’t willing to get.

If everyone else in your industry is using ChatGPT to generate all of their marketing material for them with nothing but a quick prompt, barely giving it a once over before hitting publish…

Just imagine the unfair advantage you’ll have when you actually start to write your own content yourself instead of having a robot do it for you.

The difference is literally night and day!

26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt said “Nothing worth having comes easy”.

So if you’re serious about what you do and what you sell…

You have a duty to tell your customers about it.

Let them know you can help them by actually helping them.

Give them content that makes it impossible for them to ignore you.

That’s how you command attention.

That’s how you gain an edge in a crowded market.

That’s how you become the go-to [fill-in-the-blank] in your field.

Take this letter for example.

I could have asked AI to generate this for me…

It would have taken a fraction of the time and effort it’s taken me to write it for you.

But would it have been worth reading?

Would you have gotten anything from it?

Would it have provided any value?

The answer is unsurprisingly NO.

The reason you’re still here on this page consuming these words is because of the “human touch” behind them.

They’re authentic and relatable not hollow and empty.

No matter how many gimmicks come and go, there will never be a substitute for genuine connection.

Remember that next time you communicate with your customers…

I promise you won’t regret it when you do.

Thank you so much for clicking on this letter and for taking the time out of your day to read it.

You don’t know how much it means to me.

The whole reason I started Web Copy That Converts is to show you how to write words that get strangers on the internet to know, like and trust you enough to buy your stuff…

So if that’s something you’re even more interested in doing now, then don't forget to check out the rest of this website…

There are 9 other letters for you to read—if you haven't done so already.

PLUS, keep an eye on the resources link in the footer at the bottom of the page…

I'll be adding a tonne of super helpful stuff to it over time.

Sound good?


Until next time,

Jan-Michael “lead with authenticity” Britten

P.S. Your friendly reminder: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Nothing is ever as easy as clicking a button…

And even if it was it wouldn’t be worth having anyway.

If you want to make content that your customers will care enough about to read…

Write it yourself.

AI is amazing at certain things but pretending to be you is not one of them.

There is no cheat code or shortcut to building a real relationship or genuine connection with your customers.

You can’t fake it.

Trust isn’t built in a day but it can be destroyed in seconds.

If you want to sell your stuff to people online…

Don’t be a robot.

People buy from people.

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